Monday 28 November 2011

Temporary Workforce This Holiday Season

Check it out!

This shows a number of vital statistics related to the temporary workforce in retail that is needed during the holiday season. The stats are from the U.S retail industry, but I can't imagine that ours are that far off by comparison. It is still interesting to see since His Man Friday may one day expand to the U.S.

Some of the ones that I found most shocking and crucial were:
  • The 2010 holiday season represented 19% of all retail sales.
  • American retailers will hire between 480,000 and 500,000 temporary employees
  • 30% of companies plan to integrate some of their new hires to permanent staff

The holiday season is vital for any retail company to utilize. His Man Friday will be no different. We will make sure we are staffed and ready for the holiday seasons. This is also a great time to find talented staff that we may want to keep on full-time after the temporary season... recruitment is always important, and to His Man Friday, our staff is key! So we have to snag the good employees when we can. Temporary staffing may be a great opportunity for this.

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